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Eurovision: Where are they now?

I can't believe that it's been almost seven years since I went to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 where Marija Å erifović won with the song "Molitva".  While Lordi continue to do well in their native Finland, and indeed around the world, the band "Anonymous" who represented Andorra with Salvem el Mon seemed to disappear without trace.  Their song was tipped to do well, but fell at the semi-final; for a recap of the song here's a Youtube video:

So I was wondering what's happened to the band since Eurovision?  Well it seems that Anonymous is no more, but lead singer, Nikki Francesca, went on to play with a band called Trilobeats which for all intents and purposes seems to have disbanded - there's no activity on their Twitter or Facebook feeds and the website main URL has been allowed to expire.  It seems that earlier this year, Francesca took on a new stage name - Nick Gain and released an EP "I was born in the 80s".  Having downloaded the EP, I can see that the music has matured heading in a more rock/electronic direction.  It's definitely worth downloading, and something I'm playing in the car on the way to and from work :-)